Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Peer Review/Crit

I found it really helpful today; seeing all my work laid out in front of me and organised into the separate briefs. Critically analysing other peoples work also helped emphasise what work I need to do within my own briefs. In addition, receiving the feedback from my peers has highlighted some issues that I didn't realise and need to make more clearer. Such as, one of my sample lino pieces I made was of a drawing of Poirot right in the beginning in the Visual Journey brief; but I hadn't made that clear so they weren't sure on the relevance of him. 

General Feedback: 
- "Really organised and good planning for animation" 
- "You've got lots of contextual references which are good but now is the right time for you to stop messing around and start to produce your finals"
- "Thorough experimental research - explores a wide range of craft" 
- "Loads of experimenting! Good job" 

I am pleased that people can see that I have experimented a lot with media. Also, has enforced that I do need to begin to work on my final pieces; especially in my printed pictures, as I felt that I didn't have a large amount to actually show for it. 

They have raised the fact that I need to be more evaluative of my work throughout, even just by simply bullet pointing. Also, they have mentioned that I need to put some of my earlier work into Issuu as there are too many images and make it less visually clear. Moreover, they have said that I have done good blogging for my animation but there isn't a lot there for my printed pictures. Which I have realised so I think that I need to not neglect printed pictures so much and work on that too. 

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