Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Need To Do

Everything that I need to do before I go home for Christmas: 

- Print out backgrounds for each animation.  
- Print out any imagery that I will collage with.
- Book Dragon Frame for after Christmas. 

Printed Pictures: 
- Find out the measurements of the lino/cushions
- Arrange compositions and blog development
- Draw the compositions onto the lino 
- Print off my practise lino onto fabric. 
- Buy lino and order cushions  

- Boards ready and done for Thursday 
- Print of and put on blog my gathered research. 
- Thumbnails
- Put work into context for boards 

Everything that I need to do over Christmas:

- Make sure that my blog is up to date
- Make my blog clearer and more presentable

- Draw out all the components for each animation 
- Test out the animation on the Stop Motion App. 
- Blog my development

Printed Pictures: 
- Cut out the final linos

- Create questionnaires
- Research real life cases
- Watch documentaries and make notes. 
- Blog all of my research 
- Look back over sheets we've been given
- Blog tasks. 

- Blog any work that I see and like and why. 

- Generate some more ideas
- Gather opinions about the product/brand. 

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