Tuesday, 30 December 2014


I've been really struggling with finding plain cream cushion covers. I cannot seem to find any anywhere. As back up if I cannot find any I have bought some tote bags. I think that tote bags would appeal to more of a broader audience as it would open up to a younger audience too that would not be inclined to buy cushions as wouldn't have their own house. 

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Potential Music to add into Stings

Rather than just having a sound/noise I had an idea to potentially accompany the videos with music from the era. 

Potential Sound Effects for Sting 3

JACKPOT - A Short Slow Motion Film (Canon 550D/T2i) from Red Glow Entertainment on Vimeo.

Found this video on Vimeo of a gun shot going. Thought this would work well with my gun as the sound is slightly more slowed down.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Gun Shot Screen Shots

I have taken screen shots of the video so that I can clearly see step by step the movement of the gun. 

Gun Shot Reference

Slow Motion Gunfire with Real-Time Comparison from Damien Sung on Vimeo.

Found this as reference to use for my gun shot in the third animation that I am making. Found this really helpful seeing it all in slow motion so I can really see step by step how the gun shot going off should look like. I need to think about whether I will be having a hand pull the trigger in my animation or whether to keep it really simple and a bit abstract without hands. 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Sting 1 - Parts for animation

I have drawn out all the poison bottles that will be cut out for the animation. Using the green water colour with the purple brusho as I thought that was the best combination for the poison to be. I have done it so the poison will look like it is gradually pouring out of the bottle. Next to them I have painted a large amount of the poison colour so that later on I can cut into it and use it as the liquid that is pouring out of the bottle. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Sting 1 - Components Development

After having the peer crit today and seeing the standard of the work produced I feel like I need to experiment more with my media. At the moment I was going to use images with pencil crayon and fine liner drawings combined. However, I feel like this just doesn't have a very high standard of quality and need either improve or try out using a different medium.

I have tested out using watercolour and brusho components instead of the pencil crayon to see if that brings an improvement to the final quality. Tomorrow I want to go into Dragon Frame to see which medium would work best. 

I began by drawing the table that the cup will sit on: 

Next on the light box I went over the poison bottle that I did in the crayon animation. However I didnt think it had the right proportion in shape; so drew another one next to it. I felt that the label also needs a colour but nothing to bold so faintly painted on yellow ochre watercolour. 

I still wasn't too happy with the shape of the bottle. One reason being, when pouring the bottle you won't be able to see much of the poison being poured out. And another being that it doesn't clearly strike me as a bottle of poison. So I looked back over my work and came across this bottle shape which I think works a lot better fitting the purpose of both the previous reasons for not having the rectangular bottles.  

Next, after looking over my previous work I came across the colour tests I made for the poison colour to be. So I thought I would try out a few more to go with this colour of green. 

Sting 3 - Parts

The parts I need to make: 

- Print off wallpaper 
- Draw Pistols  
- Cut out the trigger  
- Draw the eye closing in

Sting 2 - Parts

Parts that I need to prepare: 

- Draw out front of house 
- Draw the door getting closer to the key hole 
- Print off wall papers and knife 
- Decide how the blood will be made, either dripped on during the Dragon Frame photos or draw as separate components to add on in Dragon Frame. 

Sting 1 - Parts Preparation Pieces Needed

Parts that I need: 

- Wallpaper with tea cup 
- Wooden table 
- Drawn poison bottles
- Magnify Glass
- cork 

Working With Composition

I have found that the cushion size I am going for is 30cmx30cm. So I went down to the print room and they do do 30cmx30cm sized lino so I will buy three pieces of that and buy some little pieces to practice some of the elements within the composition, because some of the drawings will be quite intricate so will need to practise whether I will be able to cut into that level of detail or if I will have to simplify. 

Here I have experimented with a range of the different possible compositions...

These are the compositions for "The Mysterious Affair At Styles": 

These are the compositions for "Death on the Nile":

Finally theses are the compositions for "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd":

Need To Do

Everything that I need to do before I go home for Christmas: 

- Print out backgrounds for each animation.  
- Print out any imagery that I will collage with.
- Book Dragon Frame for after Christmas. 

Printed Pictures: 
- Find out the measurements of the lino/cushions
- Arrange compositions and blog development
- Draw the compositions onto the lino 
- Print off my practise lino onto fabric. 
- Buy lino and order cushions  

- Boards ready and done for Thursday 
- Print of and put on blog my gathered research. 
- Thumbnails
- Put work into context for boards 

Everything that I need to do over Christmas:

- Make sure that my blog is up to date
- Make my blog clearer and more presentable

- Draw out all the components for each animation 
- Test out the animation on the Stop Motion App. 
- Blog my development

Printed Pictures: 
- Cut out the final linos

- Create questionnaires
- Research real life cases
- Watch documentaries and make notes. 
- Blog all of my research 
- Look back over sheets we've been given
- Blog tasks. 

- Blog any work that I see and like and why. 

- Generate some more ideas
- Gather opinions about the product/brand. 

Peer Review/Crit

I found it really helpful today; seeing all my work laid out in front of me and organised into the separate briefs. Critically analysing other peoples work also helped emphasise what work I need to do within my own briefs. In addition, receiving the feedback from my peers has highlighted some issues that I didn't realise and need to make more clearer. Such as, one of my sample lino pieces I made was of a drawing of Poirot right in the beginning in the Visual Journey brief; but I hadn't made that clear so they weren't sure on the relevance of him. 

General Feedback: 
- "Really organised and good planning for animation" 
- "You've got lots of contextual references which are good but now is the right time for you to stop messing around and start to produce your finals"
- "Thorough experimental research - explores a wide range of craft" 
- "Loads of experimenting! Good job" 

I am pleased that people can see that I have experimented a lot with media. Also, has enforced that I do need to begin to work on my final pieces; especially in my printed pictures, as I felt that I didn't have a large amount to actually show for it. 

They have raised the fact that I need to be more evaluative of my work throughout, even just by simply bullet pointing. Also, they have mentioned that I need to put some of my earlier work into Issuu as there are too many images and make it less visually clear. Moreover, they have said that I have done good blogging for my animation but there isn't a lot there for my printed pictures. Which I have realised so I think that I need to not neglect printed pictures so much and work on that too. 

Monday, 8 December 2014

Printed Pictures Final Proposal


I intend to produce …… 

-       Three cushion covers
-       Lino printed

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts) 
1.  Each will have the murder weapon from each book as the main feature.

2.  From each murder weapon will have themes from the books coming out of them.

3.  Black and off white colour theme.

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.) 

1.  Her books are murder mysteries therefore I want to strongly portray a sense of murder.

2.  I want you to be able to get a sense of what the book is about without giving much away.

3.  To have a sense of the era.

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics) 

1. Fans of Agatha Christie’s work.

2. People who like unique handcrafted home ware.

3.  30-60 year olds.

Moving Pictures Final Proposal


I intend to produce …… 

-       3 10 second stings
-       They  will be a combination of collage and hand drawn. 

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts) 
1.  Each sting will focus on a different book that I have focused on and researched.

2.  The stings will all involve the main murder scene from each book.

3.  I will have the title of each book appear in each sting.

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.) 

1.   Moods of murder, death, mystery and still have the charm in which her books have.

2.  I want you to be able to get a sense of what the book is about without giving much away.

3.  To have a sense of the era through the use of collage.

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics) 

1. Fans of Agatha Christie’s work.

2.  Students studying her work.

3.  16 – 80 year olds

Sting 1 - Movement Test

sting 1 - movement test from Rosie Fairholm on Vimeo.

Here I have pieced it all together to see what it would look like. Unfortunately it came out upside down but I can visually get an idea.

Sting 1 - Bottle Rotation

Sting 1 - Development

I have drawn the table in which the cup will sit on top of and the bottle. I have experimented with how the cork will pop out. I want it to pop up and drop to the table and bounce a little. I started to draw the cork out in pencil. However, I then thought that it would be better and less time consuming to do this on Photoshop later on.

Sting 1 - Background

On Photoshop I have placed the cup onto the wallpapered background in which will stay in the same place through out and I will then edit my animation onto the top of this.