Monday, 23 February 2015

Software Workshop 2

Go to Colour Picker - Colour Libraries - Pantone + Solid Coated - Then type anywhere the pantone reference number to get your colour. 

Channels palette: 

By turning on and off the eye icon it will change the colour of the image. 

Think of colour as ink. 

Grayscale image - Has no other colour in channel. 

Click colour - Colour Libraries - Type in reference number. Same as before. 

Clicking 'D' is a shortcut to making black. 

When channels overlay: 

Change the percentage of the solidity. You can simulate the ink that would be used to make it. 

Use the magic wand tool to select areas that I want to colour. Select these on the grey channel then to colour them in change to the coloured layer that you want. 

Change the opacity of the ink to get different tints of the colour. 

When saving make sure the tick box is checked for spot colours. Save as either Photoshop file or TIFF. 


create a new page
File - place (to put and image on your page) 

Then tick the Overprint Preview.To see colour separation. 

When going to print change the output and change the mode to separations. 

Document ink options: can change tints. 
During separation process. Half tone screen is applied. Images are made out of a grid of dots. Differing in size. Smaller dots causes an illusion of lighter tint. 
Frequency = number of dots. 
150 = Typical for print process
The resolution is the dots x2

Moire patterns = optical interference. (layered dots) 

When printed out each colour comes out on separate pages. Useful for screen printing. 

Photoshop: To get tints you need to use half tone. 

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