Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Phone call with Publishing Director

Eagerly I waited for her phone call this morning. She ended up ringing an hour later than planned, but its okay. She was so full of praise and so lovely on the phone and saying how much they all loved my character designs  and everything. We have arranged to meet next Friday, because she wants me to meet the creative director, CEO, Cressida and some other people. So she has said that they will pay for my train, which is great! Also, they said they will give me the £500 prize money too. And overall she wants to discuss me having a contract with them, as they have  another book in mind for me. In preparation for meeting next week she asked me to email her my website and digital portfolio - which I have now done. 

I am so overwhelmed and excited by all of this, its crazy!! I bumped into Teresa and she gave me advice to not sign anything straight away and get the AOI to read over it all, so ideally I need to sign up to it straight away! 

Also, just noticed this at the end of all the emails Annes sent me: 
She's the Publishing Director! Exciting stuff!! 

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