- Clues in the name. This site puts up a new topic each Friday and then I respond with and illustration. The topics are typically one word. I am very interested in doing this one as it's regular and should be fun to do. Plus because there is no prize there's no pressure to make anything that's going to cause much stress it's just going to be something to get me thinking out the box and having fun without being too serious. - This website does something called 'Poster Monday'. With me wanting to do illustration Friday I don't think I will do this every Monday but definitely think that this would be worth doing one or two Mondays a month. Maybe something relating to things I learn in CoP or throughout other briefs?! - Only just found out about this today. This is a challenge called Inktober; here anyone can take part what they are asking is that you do a drawing everyday throughout October and submit your drawing through any kind of social media site you're part of. I think that this is a really fun challenge. However, I have missed the first five days so need to get caught up! - Came across this site, again seems quite simple. Each month they give you one word and then respond to it and then you can submit to their site. What I quite liked about this site was that quite a lot of people have submitted gifs. This is something that I would really like to give another go at doing. - Came across this site, again seems quite simple. Each month they give you one word and then respond to it and then you can submit to their site. What I quite liked about this site was that quite a lot of people have submitted gifs. This is something that I would really like to give another go at doing.
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